St. Helena
Religious Education Program
Ms. Hummy Pennell,
Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry
Mrs. Sue Leonard, Assistant to the Director
Office Phone: (302) 762-4280
Our all-encompassing program offers spiritual, academic and service venues for parishioners from the “cradle to the grave”. All areas of the Religious Education Program focus on parishioners being well educated in their faith, well-adjusted and caring individuals who have learned how to “Live their Faith”. Here at St. Helena’s there is something for everyone to be involved within our small community of believers.
Religious Education Classes
Our program operates during the school year on Monday evenings from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm in the school classrooms for first through eighth grade children who attend public school. These classes are taught by volunteer catechists who not only love children but who enjoy sharing their faith with others.
Click below to view Religious Education Calendar:
If a family night is scheduled please do NOT just drop off your children but come in and attend with them. These are special learning events for all family members.
For cancellations due to inclement weather, please listen to WDEL 1150 AM. Each parent is free to make the decision for your child whether or not to attend class.
Cost of the program:
- $125 per family for the year if paid by Sept. 14th,
- 2 payments of $70 in September and January, OR
- 8 monthly payments of $20 for a total of $160
Adult Scripture Study
For more information or for questions, contact Ms. Hummy at or check the bulletin for schedule.
Sacramental Preparation
Classes meet during the school year on Sunday afternoons for preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. These sacraments are open to all parish children whether they attend Catholic or public schools **(If a child attends a public school, they must also attend the Religious Education classes on Monday evenings).
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are open to children ages 7 and older (grade second and above).
Confirmation is celebrated during eighth grade. This year Confirmation Preparation will begin in January 2018.

First Eucharist Preparation will begin in March, 2018.
First Eucharist will be celebrated
on Mother’s Day Weekend Saturday, May 12, 2018
at 10:30 A.M. Mass
and on
Sunday, May 13, 2018 at the 11:00 A.M. Mass

Confirmation Program 2017-2018
Preparation for Confirmation will begin in January 2018
Candidates will be Confirmed by Bishop Malooly
on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at the 11:00 AM Liturgy
A Reception will follow immediately after Mass
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
This program meets on Sundays during the 11:00am Mass (October through May). Any child 3 years of age through fourth grade may attend.
This is a wonderful introduction to the Mass for young children as well as a peaceful time for parents to enjoy the readings and homily without the distraction of the little ones.
Special Masses when these children participate:
Christmas Eve 5pm Mass ~ Palm Sunday 11am Mass ~ May Procession
Youth Group
Youth Group meets two Sundays of each month 7:00-8:30pm
Ms. Hummy Pennell, Youth Minister
Ms. Arianna Talley, Associate
Youth Group is open to all students seventh grade or above (Parishioners and non-parishioners alike). The goal of this group is to practice and live the faith they have learned in a relaxing atmosphere.
This group participates within Parish Life in many ways. They sponsor a Parish Easter Egg Hunt, serving at parish dinners, participating at the Parish Carnival, assisting the Liturgy Committee when needed.
They help with Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sundays
and still find time to make their own FUN!
For additional information regarding this group, please call Ms. Hummy at 762-4280 or at: