Religious Education Classes Have Been Canceled for This Evening (Feb. 22, 2021)!
Upcoming Events
Lenten Schedule
Daily Mass: 7 AM & 9 AM (Mon–Fri), starting Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday Masses: 7 AM, 9 AM, 12 PM, 7PM
Stations of the Cross: Fridays after 9 AM Mass. Evening Stations can be found at: IHM (7 PM), St. Mary Magdalen (6 PM).
Confession: Fridays after Stations. Saturdays after 9 AM Mass & at 3:30 PM. Before the 5 PM Vigil Mass.
Reconciliation Monday: April 14, 2025, from 3–8 PM.
Fish Fries: Fridays starting March 7, 5–7 PM.
Second Sunday Breakfast
Mar. 9th | 8:00AM – 1:00PM | Masci Hall
Leave the cooking to our Breakfast Crew for an all you care eat Buffet on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Join us for an after the holidays breakfast and leave the cooking to us.
$12.00 per Adult and Children 12+
$5.00 per child under 12.
$5.00 per child under 12.
For questions/reserve a table for 6 or more, please contact Nancy Cobb [302-598-8685 or].
Friday Fish Fry
Fridays During Lent | 5:00PM – 7:00PM | Masci Hall
On the six Fridays during Lent (starting March 7th), the Christopher Council of the Knights of Columbus will host a fish fry in St. Helena’s Masci Hall.
Children’s platters are available for those under 12.
For more information contact Raymond at 302-547-6931 or or Nancy at 302-598-8685 or
Parish Ministries
Our Parish Religious Education Program encompasses all parishioners from the “Cradle to the Grave”. We offer spiritual enrichment through Monday night classes for children who attend public schools, early childhood thru Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Sacramental Prep, Youth Group and Adult Formation Classes.
Hummy Pennell | (302) 762-4280
Parish Social Ministry (PSM) is an outreach organization dedicated to developing lay leadership and a spirituality based on the Social Justice teachings of the Church that initiates action on social issues affecting the parish, community, nation, and the world.
Carol Ann Plunkett | 764-0325, ext. 104