Young at Heart
Welcome to St. Helena Parish Life Committee
President | Adele Williams
(H) 302-762-3439 | (C) 302-333-5302 |
Vice President | Carmela Ianni
(H)302-762-9057 | (C)302-584-7892
The purpose of the St. Helena’s Social Club is to strengthen the sense of community among the adult members of the parish as well as aiding in spiritual, cultural and social growth. Our group is under the umbrella of the Parish Life Committee which includes the Christmas Bazaar.
We hold our General Meetings on the third Monday of each month, September to May, to discuss upcoming events within the parish and how we can better serve the needs of the members and those of the parish. Our meetings have outside speakers/experts from various fields come and discuss topics that our members might be interested in. Some of these topics include Estate Planning, Health, Nutrition and Exercise. Every meeting also always includes tasty refreshments. The meetings are always open to our parishioners and non-parishioners. During Lent we try to have a special guest speaker who will talk about subjects related to the Lenten season. Other programs include entertainment, game night and local artists. Some of our events that should not be missed are Bingo, Horse Racing game and our Covered Dish Dinner.
We have also started two additional groups within the Adult Social Club – Crafts and Prayer Shawl. An active group of us meet regularly on Monday evenings to make crafts to be sold at the Parish’s annual Christmas Bazaar. Some of these crafts include beautiful baskets that are raffled off at the Christmas Bazaar.
All fundraisers are to benefit the Church financially and socially.
Our Prayer Shawl devotion combines compassion and a love of knitting and crocheting into an Outreach Program for those sick and in need of comfort. Meetings are usually held on Wednesday afternoons during which we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and work on the shawls or making rosaries. The prayers shawls and rosaries are blessed by Fr. Christopher Hanley and personally delivered by the members to those in need.
We are blessed to have such a wonderful group of men and women and are actively seeking new members of any age. Come to our next monthly meeting to learn more about this organization!