Parish News
Congratulations to our First Communicants!
Congratulations to all our parish children who celebrated their first communion on Mother’s Day weekend. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers.
Upcoming Events
Congratulations to Msgr. Russell!
On May 27th, Msgr. Russell will celebrate his 57th Anniversary of Ordination. The parishioners of St. Helena’s would like to thank him for his many years of service and dedication!
2018 Annual Catholic Appeal
Participants in the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal can expect to receive their first payment reminder on or about May 31. Additional reminders will continue through December. Please mail all payments in the self-addressed, return envelope provided with your mailing. Do not submit payments to the parish office or through the Offertory collection. Thank you!
2nd Sunday Breakfast Buffet
June 10 | 8:00AM – 12:45PM
Leave the cooking to our Breakfast Crew for our breakfast buffet on the 2nd Sunday of the month. We strongly encourage everyone who wishes to come to reserve a table.
For questions/reserve a table, please contact: Nancy Cobb | 302-598-8685 or Natiesmom@me.com.
Parish Ministries
Our Parish Religious Education Program encompasses all parishioners from the “Cradle to the Grave”. We offer spiritual enrichment through Monday night classes for children who attend public schools, early childhood thru Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Sacramental Prep, Youth Group and Adult Formation Classes.
Hummy Pennell | (302) 762-4280
Parish Social Ministry (PSM) is an outreach organization dedicated to developing lay leadership and a spirituality based on the Social Justice teachings of the Church that initiates action on social issues affecting the parish, community, nation, and the world.
Dorothy Medeiros | 764-0325, ext. 104
Our Pastor
Msgr. Stanley Russell
Reverend Monsignor Stanley J. Russell, VF, was born in Brooklyn, New York. He attended St. John’s University in Brooklyn and Jamaica, New York and studied for the priesthood at St. John’s Seminary in Collegeville, Minnesota and Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1961.
He has been pastor at St. Helena’s Parish in Wilmington since 1994.
Need a Priest?
To contact Msgr. Russell, please call the rectory: (302) 764 – 0325